Blogger Widgets The Sleeping Turtle Art Gallery: Jun 17, 2009

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Harley ride

Most of these pictures were taken while on the back of the black Harley. My boyfriend Ted, his son & his sons wife, and of course mee went to Ted's Mothers grave site, and then cruised around outside of Butte County, Northern California.


Video clip taken off a Harley Video Harley Clip

Check out pictures of my garden through this LINK to garden pics

An American
Hot dog Saturday

Continues to Unfold

My boyfriend Ted's Harley, this is the one I ride on the back of.

Steven's Harley

mee mOe

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My other blog;
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
1. Across this bridge
2. Struggling parents
3. When life become a book
4. Read Between the Lines
5. The Sleeping Turtle Art Gallery
6. Layout Marketing
7. Internet Lifestyle
8. Marketing Myself

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